It's More Than Theater. It's Community.
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Become a Series Sponsor
Donate $500 or more (or whatever the committee decides) and become a Series Sponsor.
Make a Monthly Donation
Probably the easiest way to donate is to donate a small amount every month! The linked page will describe what you get and how to do it.
Attend a Show
Visit our Upcoming Shows page for information!
Sponsor a Staged Reading
For only $222, you can sponsor part of a staged reading. Page then links to information about what you get and how to donate.
You can give us money. Please give us some money.
Join the Board of Directors
Join the board and help steer the Company. The linked page would list the open positions.
Attend our Open Call
Twice a year, we hold an open call for performers for the upcoming series. Find our next auditions at (this link).
Join the Lit Team
Our Lit Team reads plays and submits them to the board for consideration. Contact us to enquire!